The short background story.
I was in technology sales or support for 22 years, spending those last years in a Fortune 50 company as a home-based employee. There were challenges in being home-based, especially when that was sort of new thing. I had to figure out how "Home + Office" under the same roof was supposed to work, and I did that while managing a near-weekly travel schedule, getting married, and remodeling a house. All of this highlighted the fact that I understood how to massage processes in order to make my days reasonably organized. At turning 40, I started kicking around the idea of doing something different. Journaling my thoughts eventually led to the idea of this merged skill set, combining my corporate- and home-office experience, my appreciation of the benefits of organized living, and my attitude of "servant leadership". In 2003, I mustered up the courage to resign and start off on this new path to "bring peace to cluttered lives". And (though I miss paid vacations) I greatly enjoy the time with my clients and I love seeing the results of the work we do together.
Getting better all the time.
At last count, I had well over 200 hours of training specific to this type of work. In 2008, I became the first Certified Professional Organizer® in Dallas. Three years later, I earned a Certificate of Study in Chronic Disorganization and, later, I earned them inADHD and in Time Management & Productivity. Still, there were situations that would make me curious about how to approach and encourage change when a client wanted to make a real shift in thinking or style of living yet seemed stuck. And so I started reading about the brain and eventually ended up learning more about the positive effects of coaching. In 2015, I added 60 hours of coach certification training and became a member of the International Coaching Federation.
So what does all that mean to you? Does this enhance my ability to arrange a drawer or rethink a closet? Not so much. But does this enhance my ability to really listen to my clients or to ask better questions so I can see (and help them see) a bigger picture? Oh, yes. It does.
The bottom line.
My passion is to provide non-judgmental help to busy people. I come alongside my clients. I'm on their side -- to hold their vision and encourage them while I aid them in reaching their goals of easier life management. I look for and teach ways to maintain the work done. I'm crazy-grateful for all these people who have hired me and, thus, have kept me so in love with this work. I can organize a pantry or help make a path through the office or prepare for a move in your home or. if coaching, a move in your heart.
So there's the work stuff. Now I hope we get to know each other better. I'll go first: Besides work, I also have a passion for Jamoca Almond Fudge ice cream and my grandchildren (not necessarily in that order but sometimes it's close), I wish I could spend more time watching the ocean, and I'm happily married in spite of the fact that I continue to try to organize Gary's stuff.
Top Drawer has been noticed.
Top Drawer Organizing was named in the Best Professional Organizers in Dallas by Sparefoot, a company that helps consumers find and source self-storage.
Top Drawer has also been referenced in:
D Home Magazine's Home and Garden Blog
Dallas Morning News, Healthy Living section
Various local magazines
I've even been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal! (I didn't have the fodder they wanted for that article, but just being called by one of their journalists was way too cool.)
I was delighted to have been included in this list!